JK RowlingIf the current trend for everyone who ever lived before us being judged on the social and moral mores of our times rather than their own continues, one wonders how the present day will fare in the future’s cultural courtroom. How many individuals and attitudes will be found not guilty and how many will be condemned to eternal damnation without the hope of redemption? I’ve long suspected some of these individuals and attitudes will eventually be cast in the same negative light as those they themselves retrospectively demonise, yet for the vast majority of folk – who don’t control the means of mass communication or run corporations and institutions – the insanity of this ascendancy to positions of power and influence was both baffling and concerning from the off. Most of us already knew this wasn’t a good idea, but the sheer weight of propaganda relentlessly streaming from the platforms the masses depend upon – along with the vicious attack dogs those platforms can summon – has marginalised and suppressed dissenting voices and encouraged self-censorship. But were one to look into the crystal ball, it’s evident that today’s indulged ideologues are tomorrow’s slave-traders or eugenics advocates; today’s dogmatic mantras are tomorrow’s discredited belief systems.

One day, all but a diminishing smatter of nostalgic fanatics will look back to now with a shake of the head and wonder how it was that the leader of a major political party couldn’t define a woman when asked point-blank to do so during a radio interview or that another declared women could have penises; or that men would be allowed to enter women’s sports and unsurprisingly wipe the floor with the competition; or that the BBC could broadcast an educational film telling children there were over 200 genders; or that convicted rapists could simply proclaim they identified as female and be admitted to women’s prisons, or that the MSM, the police, the judiciary and the victims of such men would be forced to refer to them as ‘she’ in order not to offend their human rights as the female stats for sexual crimes would soar due to the addition of men posing as women. How will tomorrow’s jury view terms like ‘bleeders’ or ‘birthing persons’? How will they judge a self-proclaimed oppressed minority composed largely of middle-class men with a fetish for aping the stereotypical tropes of the opposite sex and erasing its hard-won rights in the process? How will they react to the fact that men were given a free pass into women’s and girl’s private spaces such as toilets or changing rooms, and that any women raising an objection would be branded bigots and hounded on social media?

How will they regard an age that aggressively policed Hate Crime yet turned a blind eye to women subjected to rape and death threats simply for having the gall to air an opinion contrary to the consensus, or that lesbians could be discouraged from participating in Pride events or be barred from holding speed-dating evenings because they refused to admit men in drag, or how prominent gays in the village could be cast out into the wilderness for questioning the wisdom of butchering children, of brainwashing sexually-confused adolescents into believing their nascent symptoms of homosexuality were an indication they needed to transition? This sinister and grotesque conversion therapy, promoted by ghastly parents desperate to signal their virtue, by immoral organisations like Stonewall and Mermaids, and – most unforgivably of all – by our glorious NHS, is at the heart of the most comprehensive study into the madness of the moment and one that will hopefully help reset the controls for common sense, the Cass Review.

This 388-page report into England’s gender identity clinics for the under-18s by Dr Hilary Cass was published last week; although dealing with a specific area of the issue, the findings of this landmark review will have far wider consequences as the scandal of the state-sponsored sterilisation of children finally, belatedly, goes over-ground and people are able to speak out against it without fear of losing everything in the process. The first whistleblower to expose the truth of what was going on in the notorious, now-closed Tavistock Clinic was mental-health nurse Susan Evans as far back as 2004. 20 f***ing years ago! Since then, the infiltration of our institutions by this dogma has enabled the ideologically-driven heirs to Dr Josef Mengele to experiment on vulnerable teens pushed into places like Tavistock following constant exposure to the fallacy of ‘gender affirmation’ via the online foot-soldiers and numerous non-binary salespeople, prescribed puberty blockers and eventually submitted for castration. Around 50 kids, mostly boys, fell under the radar of the Gender Identity Development Service at Tavistock in 2009; just seven years later, this number had risen to nearer 2,000 – with girls beginning to outnumber boys. The Cass Review has calculated 89% of girls and 81% of boys referred to this disgraced service were either gay or bisexual, earmarked for a transition their leanings never warranted. This was something – to use a hackneyed phrase – ‘hiding in plain sight’ for the best part of two decades, yet it has taken a measured, rational report of unarguable, detailed data by a medical academic to wrestle this subject free of the ‘bigotry’ that any opposing voices have been besmirched with by the dominant narrative for far too long; and its impact is already seeing many an about-turn by those who either said nothing or went with the flow.

To Trans Activists, the Cass Review will be held up as yet one more example of persecution that emphasises their imaginary oppression and thus preserves their precious faux-victimhood. To the rest of the world, it’s the long-overdue voice of reason that has the official seal of approval, unlike those brave souls who dared to pop their head above the parapet in isolation and were bombarded by the slings and arrows of entitled zealots without any support from their cowardly colleagues, who ducked down in shameless self-preservation and abandoned them to the wolves. The likes of Graham Linehan, creator of some of the most successful sitcoms of recent decades such as ‘Father Ted’, ‘Black Books’ and ‘The IT Crowd’, was a self-confessed Liberal Leftie who felt the full force of the lunatics promoted to the running of the asylum when he questioned the direction his long-time political position was heading in; disgracefully dumped by those he’d long imagined to be his ideological allies, Linehan saw his career grind to a full stop and has spent the past few years battling on alone.

Then, of course, there’s JK Rowling – another celebrity Leftie that the Left’s embrace of this toxic social engineering has exiled from the fold. In its perennial hunt for oppressed victims to patronise, the Left found a self-manufactured minority and anyone who quickly discerned the flaws in this ‘stunning and brave’ new world was dispensed with in the kind of purge even Stalin would have thought a bit severe. Rowling’s response to the opportunistic change of tack by certain guilty parties in the wake of the Cass Review’s publication has been delicious to witness, particularly her reaction to the prospect of those ungrateful little shits Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson seeking some sort of rapprochement. Basically, Rowling will not be crossing over any burned bridges in the event of those who owe her everything rebuilding them. She has been equally determined in her fearless stance against Scotland’s ludicrous Hate Crime bill. Good for her.

Similar to so-called ‘Anti-racism’, which advocates racial segregation without a hint of irony, the hardline Trans lobby claims to be all about ‘women’, yet it is bona-fide women who have the nerve to stand up for their rights that receive the most blisteringly misogynistic bile from these demented chicks with dicks – and its inherent homophobia has equally alienated gay men and women who could previously rely on the likes of Stonewall to act on their behalf. Just as militant vegans give vegetarians a bad name with their utter inability to refrain from lecturing and hectoring or refusal to accept that not everyone will automatically fall in line with their thinking, Trans Activists have done nothing but damage the progress of genuine transsexuals within society towards quiet acceptance, the majority of whom merely want to get on with their lives. The Cass Review will not affect overnight change of the prevailing trend dictated by the captured establishment – the trend is too deeply embedded for that; but it’s one hell of a good start.

© The Editor

